If we set aside all the baggage associated with insurance, at their core, insurance vehicles themselves are highly strategic. They simply allow you to transfer some of life’s primary risks from your own financial house to that of a third party – the insurance company.
Driven by your priorities, not ours, we evaluate key forms of insurance – long-term care, disability, life and personal insurance such as liability, jewelry or collectibles. Working with other advisors who have specific expertise in the various coverages, we can review your existing coverage and uncover potential gaps in coverage or areas in which you may be overpaying or duplicating. We can also identify more efficient or thorough coverage as desired.
It’s important to note that Phillips Financial has chosen to be carrier-neutral. We are not beholden to the products of a single company and we are not incented to recommend one solution over another. Also, we did not come to these conversations as a side bar. We have decades of experience in the areas of life, health and disability insurance, just as we do in the financial planning, investment management and employee benefits disciplines.